Cook County’s Veteran Affairs
CCVA exists to empower all Cook County veterans who have served in a branch of the military through workshops, newsletters and access to a network of outreach services; allowing them to leverage their knowledge and achieve a better quality of life for themselves and their families.
The Veterans Assistance Commission of Cook County (“VACCC”)
VACCC is a distinct unit of local government created by the Military Veterans Assistance Act (330 ILCS 45/) and funded by Cook County.
The VACCC provides annual one-time assistance to eligible veterans and their families residing in Cook County in need of financial assistance for basic living expenses and/or emergencies.
The commission is managed by a board of directors comprised of veterans representing the various veteran organizations in Cook County.
For more information, please call their office at (312) 433-6010
Military and Veterans Discount Program
The Cook County Recorder of Deeds provides discount cards to veterans and active military service members. These cards can be used for discounts at various restaurants, retail stores, professional services and museums. For a list of participating merchants, visit: Military Discount Directory.
For information on how to get your Military and Veterans Discount Card, call our office at 312-376-2700.
For other resources for Veterans, visit https://www.cookcountyil.gov/service-categories/veterans-services.